Our Story

Our story begins in the Spring of 2020 as a hobby that quickly evolved into a passion.  Wood + Honey is an apiary near the Saratoga Battlefields which, if you are not familiar, is an area composed of protected wildlife and ‘forever farmland’ properties that creates a perfect habitat for honeybees.  In our first year, we started with two hives and had one hive (Best in Class) over winter successfully.  Over the next two years, we have been slowly expanding and are currently up to eight hives.  Three of these hives (Best in Class, Tugboat, and Ghost Pepper) have successfully over-wintered and their genetics are now considered Northern bees.  

Living in farm country, our honey evolves with the seasons as the pollen and nectar supply changes.  This impacts the overall flavor and richness of our honey.  Our spring honey is lighter in color and is composed primarily of apple, lilac, honeysuckle, and sugar maple blossoms.  In the summer, the honey starts to darken and is true wildflower honey as the bees collect from the bounty that mother nature provides.  The late summer/fall honey is even darker and richer in flavor.  It is composed of golden rod, asters, and sunflowers.  One knows Autumn is in the air when you begin to smell the hives from a distance.  The pollen collected from golden rod has a distinct smell similar to movie theater popcorn.  

Wood + Honey is passionate about caring for bees and supporting our local agriculture through pollination.  We look forward to sharing our bee adventures with you as well through fun recipes that incorporate honey.  Please reach out if you have any questions.